Notice of Acceptance – Botley West Solar Farm Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for having registered your interest to keep up to date with the Botley West Solar Farm. We are pleased to let you know that the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), acting on behalf of the Secretary of State, has accepted the Development Consent Order (DCO) Application for Botley West Solar Farm. This is a significant milestone as it means that our proposals will now progress towards the Examination stage of the process. Before reaching this stage, our team undertook two phases of consultation to inform the assessment and design of the Botley West Solar Farm. We are grateful to everyone who has taken an interest in our proposals and has spent time engaging with us as we have worked to reach this stage. We have produced a Project Update Newsletter to highlight the design changes and considerations that have been made in our final DCO Application. It is available to view here and via the document library on the project website: The upcoming Examination is a key part of the process. We are looking forward to working with our colleagues, examiners and interested parties to ensure that the Botley West Solar Farm can be delivered in the best possible way. Accessing our documents The full DCO application documents can be viewed and downloaded free of charge online on the Botley West Solar Farm page of the Planning Inspectorate’s National Infrastructure Planning website under the Documents tab: The document library on our project website ( also provides a link to these documents. Next Steps Until 27 February 2025, the Botley West Solar Farm team is inviting members of the public and any interested stakeholders to consider whether they would like to submit a Relevant Representation to PINS. By submitting a Relevant Representation (a written summary of a person’s views on the Application), the person (or organisation) will then become an ‘Interested Party’ to the Examination. Interested Parties will receive ongoing correspondence from PINS on how to get further involved and have the opportunity to submit detailed written representations and attend and participate in the Examination hearings. Members of the public have until 11:59pm on 27 February 2025 to register as an Interested Party and submit their Relevant Representation to PINS, via this link: Our communications channels are still open for any questions or comments you may have. You can find them at the bottom of this email. Kind regards, Mark Owen-Lloyd Project Director, Botley West Solar Farm |
Email: Freephone Information Line: 0808 175 3085 Freepost: BWSF Website: |